Enhanced Etani Platform: Elevate Your Data Reporting with EVA at the Core

We're excited to announce significant enhancements to the Etani Platform, with EVA, our AI-driven data assistant, at the core of these updates. These enhancements are designed to make your data reporting process more intuitive and collaborative. 

Introducing Pin to Dashboard and Share Functions 

Our latest update introduces two game-changing features: Pin to Dashboard and Share functions. These additions are set to redefine how you interact with your data and collaborate with your team. 

  • Pin to Dashboard: Custom Reports at Your Fingertips 

The Pin to Dashboard function allows you to create custom reports using EVA and pin them directly to your dashboard for quick access. This means that your most important insights are just a click away, ready to inform your decisions without navigating through multiple menus or screens. 

Imagine having your team's efficiency metrics, billable hours, or client breakdowns readily available on your dashboard. With this feature, you can tailor your dashboard to your specific needs, ensuring that the data that matters most to you is always front and centre. 

  • Share: Collaborate with Ease 

Collaboration is key in any business, and our Share function makes it easier than ever. Once you've pinned a report to your dashboard, you can share it with your team members or colleagues with just a few clicks. This ensures that everyone is on the same page, working with the same data, and making informed decisions together. 

Whether you're sharing insights on cash flow, job performance, or comparative business analysis, the Share function keeps your team connected and informed. 

Experience the Enhanced Etani Platform 

Our enhanced platform, with EVA at its core, is designed to be more intuitive and efficient. EVA, your AI-driven data assistant, can now interact seamlessly with both dashboard data and Power BI data. This integration provides you with a powerful tool for generating reports, gaining insights, and making data-driven decisions. 

See It in Action: Video Demonstration 

To help you get a better understanding of how these new features work, we've included a brief video demonstration below. Watch how easily you can pin reports to your dashboard and share them with your team, all with the help of EVA. 

Ready to experience the enhanced Etani Platform and EVA's new features for yourself? Sign up for our 14-day free trial and start revolutionising your data reporting today. With EVA by your side, you'll discover a more efficient, intuitive, and collaborative way to manage your business intelligence. 

Don't let complex data reporting hold you back. Embrace the future of business intelligence with Etani and EVA. Try it now and see the difference for yourself! 

Cameron Lynch